Creator of TemplatesKart | Full Stack Developer | Open Source lover from Pakistan
Project Overview TemplatesKart is a powerful set of fully responsive and accessible React components and projects. Demo: TemplatesKart Github Repo:...
A Changelog page for any website is a good way to keep your audience up to date with new and meaningful changes. In my previous post, I mentioned...
Let's clone dev.to with the actual dev.to api to get the posts and listings. Overview This application is built with the following...
1.Create a Nextjs app yarn create next-app --typescript 2.Install Chakra UI yarn add @chakra-ui/react @emotion/react@^11 @emotion/styled@^11...
Currently, I'm learning Nextjs and Typescript. And for a learning perspective, I decided to rebuild my portfolio website with Nextjs. And I really...
Live link: Portfolio Github repo Repo Pages Home Page Intro Highlights Projects Achievements Show progress yearly...